To Automate or Not? – The Pros and Cons of Data Warehouse Automation

Paul te Braak

I have been thinking about data warehouse automation for at least 2 years now. That’s just a long enough time for me to see the pros and cons, examine the state of affairs, consider the consequences of both camps and lastly consider my reaction to those consequences. I’ve come to realise that the last point (my reaction) plays on my mind because the subject is filled more with emotion than rational decisions. What I hope to achieve with this post is to materialise some of my thoughts on the matter and present a few ideas that may be considered by others (if they were considering utilising this technology).

Before we get into the grit of discussion, it is probably worth noting that I consider the data warehouse in the more traditional sense. That is, a relational engine that stores and delivers agreed data. Recently, the additional possibilities arising from the…

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